
Clothing your baby

Clothing your baby

One of the most frequent gifts given at baby showers would have to be baby clothes. This has come about through many of the guests at showers being parents themselves and knowing how much money can go on clothes for a new baby. There is a fairly obvious reason why...

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Baby Gift Basket Ideas

Baby Gift Basket Ideas

Planning to host a baby shower? Or a friend of yours recently gave birth to a healthy bouncing baby? How else could you express that you care for that friend of yours and her baby? A baby gift basket could be the best present that would express your concern. A baby...

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5 Treatments To Cure Whooping Cough In Babies

5 Treatments To Cure Whooping Cough In Babies

There is no one as vulnerable as a newborn baby. Infants need a lot of protection and care and timely vaccination in order to prevent them from contracting infectious or contagious diseases. One such highly contagious disease is pertussis or whooping cough as it is...

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Blue or Pink?

Blue or Pink?

One of the most familiar traditions when it comes to a new baby is the question of what color to paint their nursery, and what color clothes to buy for them. As the old traditions have it, there are only two options, and these are dependent upon one major factor – the...

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The right clothes

The right clothes

There is an entire industry devoted to baby clothing, and it goes without saying that it does a lot of business given the numbers of babies born to new parents every day around the world. As a new parent, you will naturally want to do everything right, so the question...

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Feeding a premature baby

Feeding a premature baby

When it comes to dealing with a premature baby, the rules change somewhat from the typical ones for dealing with a baby where everything has happened more or less on schedule. Sometimes you will find that, due to their reduced size and strength, your baby has less of...

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How to Treat Your Baby’s Cold

How to Treat Your Baby’s Cold

Your baby’s cold can be just as hard on you as it is on her. But you can help ease your baby’s discomfort and keep the infection from worsening by ensuring she gets sufficient rest and liquids, which would include breast milk or formula if she’s less than four months...

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How to Comfort Your Child Following a Nightmare

How to Comfort Your Child Following a Nightmare

Nightmares and night terrors can be equally frightening for both child and parent, especially when they start happening frequently. Nightmares occur during the REM (rapid eye movement) phase of sleep. They might vary in length, but the child will usually remember what...

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Baby Beanies – The Baby Toy of All Time

Baby Beanies – The Baby Toy of All Time

Baby beanies haven’t been around that much since they were “born” only in 1994 when Ty Warner introduced the first baby beanies in the market. Not many people know that a baby beanie or more officially known as beanie baby were first made by him. He made the baby...

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Baby ‘R Us: One Stop Baby Shop

Baby ‘R Us: One Stop Baby Shop

If Toys ‘R Us is a company that offers various toys for kids, what does Baby R Us offer? No way! It’s not babies! Baby R Us offers baby products. In 1996, Westbury, New York, Baby R Us opened its first store. It has been immediately followed with opening six more...

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Using a Baby Sling Can Make Life with Baby Simple

Using a Baby Sling Can Make Life with Baby Simple

The use of baby slings, or “baby wearing” as it’s sometimes called, is very common in many cultures around the world. More parents in the United States are learning about baby wearing from attachment parenting books and websites, and are realizing the benefits are...

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Hi! I’m Anna and welcome to my blog. I created Baby Essential Care because I am passionate about children and to help real parents improve their lives in a holistic way so that your life brings happiness and fulfillment.

To do this, we offer practical advice, tips and recommend proven holistic techniques and products. You won’t find anything here but what works and inspires you. Every new parent needs encouragement and sound guidance, and that is what we aim to provide.

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you find something to help you along the way.



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